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How You Can Beat the Heat to Create a Thriving Container Garden in Hot Weather

Gardening in hot weather can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and techniques, you can nurture a thriving container garden even in scorching temperatures. It is essential to understand the common challenges associated with gardening in hot weather to ensure the success of your container plants, such as:With careful planning and attention to detail, […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse

Choose the Right Fertilizer for Trees: Organic or Inorganic

Trees are a symbiotic part of our environment, providing us with:Like other living organisms, trees require proper care to ensure their health and growth. One crucial aspect of tree care is fertilization. But choosing the right fertilizer for trees is as complex as the nutrients in the soil, which ensures the tree has access to […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse

A Comprehensive Guide to Caring for Pansies

Pansies are excellent flowering plants that come in various colors. It is also popular for flower gardens, window boxes, and container gardens.When selecting pansies for your garden, it’s essential to consider the climate you live in, the soil type, the size of your garden bed, and the colors you want. Additionally, proper pansy care is […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse

May Chrysanthemum Flowers for Mother’s Day

Chrysanthemums, or mums for short, also known as ‘May’ flowers, are the perfect gift for any mother at any time of the year, especially on Mother’s Day. These extraordinary flowers have long symbolized joy and love.Here in the U. S., mums are the perfect way to show your mother how much you care. The beauty […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse

Planting Bulbs 101: Types and Storing for Maximum Results

Bulbs are a great way to add color and life to your garden. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them ideal for any garden space. But what exactly are bulbs, and how do they work? In today’s blog, we will explore the basics of planting bulbs 101, including a brief discussion on […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse

Planting Season is Upon the Four-State Region

It is nearly May, and planting season is in full swing here in the four-state region. If you love gardening, you know April and May are peak months for planting. But if you’re new in the area or just picking up the craft, planting can be tricky.Many factors go into growing a garden. However, the […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse

Popular Shrubs that Thrive Across the Four States After Spring Planting

Planting shrubs in Missouri is an extremely rewarding experience. Not only do bushes provide a beautiful addition to any landscape, there are also numerous other benefits for the environment.From reducing soil erosion and providing wildlife habitat to improving air quality. In addition to being a food source for pollinators, shrubs play a vital role in […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse

How to Shop for, and Where Buy, Healthy Bedding Plants Near You?

Shopping for bedding plants can be daunting, especially if you need help finding where to look—fortunately, there are plenty of places to buy quality bedding plants near you, like the Van Becelaere Greenhouse in Pittsburg, KS. It’s easier than ever to find and buy the perfect plants for your garden or home.From local nurseries to […]

By Van Becelaere Greenhouse