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Tag: southeast kansas

Pest prevention for indoor winter plants is critical. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss the various types of indoor pests common to the region of southeast Kansas and across the four states, including northwest Arkansas, southwest Missouri, and northeast Oklahoma. In addition, we’ll provide you with tips on preventing and managing these indoor plant pests and […]

Welcome to the world of Fall gardening, where vibrant blooms add a burst of color to your home garden. As the seasons change and summer transitions into autumn, it’s time to embrace the beauty of fall bloomers. In today’s blog, we’ll explore the wonders of autumn flowers and how you can create a stunning garden […]

Now that tree planting season has begun in Southeast Kansas, it’s essential for Kansas residents, particularly those in Pittsburg, to recognize the significance of planting trees in the Fall. Although tree planting enhances your home’s aesthetics, it can also provide numerous benefits that contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment.As natural air filters, trees […]

These last few weeks of Summer in Southeast Kansas have been brutal for humans, animals, and plants. But, with temperatures scorching into the triple digits, we are relieved to see cooler temperatures in our future. That also means it’s an excellent time to plant a Fall garden.So, starting your Fall planting in August will ensure […]

As the temperatures begin to cool and the days get shorter, now is an ideal time of year to start planning and preparing your fall garden for the upcoming Fall harvest. In today’s blog, we’ll explore the advantages of fall planting and provide valuable tips for gardening in our region.Preparing Your Garden Beds for Fall […]

Trees are a symbiotic part of our environment, providing us with:Like other living organisms, trees require proper care to ensure their health and growth. One crucial aspect of tree care is fertilization. But choosing the right fertilizer for trees is as complex as the nutrients in the soil, which ensures the tree has access to […]

Hostas are a popular and versatile perennial plant used in many landscape designs. They are trendy in hot climates, as they can tolerate extreme temperatures and still thrive.That makes hostas a top pick for gardeners in the four-state region of Southeast Kansas who want lush foliage without having to worry about their plants wilting under […]